Neurology practitioners are often riddled with doubts when assessing billing information, especially when it involves complex procedures. The sheer number of CPT codes and conditions involved in the billing process can be overwhelming even for professional billers, let alone a novice with a limited grasp over the ever changing codes and other necessities.
Our professional billing service is always preceded by a detailed evaluation of the procedures conducted. This enables the billers to gain an insight into the kind of operations/treatments that the patient was subjected to, thus ensuring that the claim conforms to the standard billing requirements.
Our professional neurology billing services offers accurate CPT coding and reimbursement analysis, which results in an effective billing and reduces dismissal of claims due to trivial mistakes.
With professional billers on board, we constantly update our knowledge to incorporate new changes in coding for neurology services and procedures, thus ensuring that your business is not disturbed by changes in the billing codes.
By hiring professional services, your expenses are reduced greatly and you do not have to burden your staff with complicated billing procedures. Since we help accelerate your payments and claims processes, you can dedicate more time in helping your patients without worrying about claims.