Fibromyalgia ICD-10

Thank You ICD-10 – Fibromyalgia Finally Has A Code!

The human body is full of surprises and mysteries.  No two human bodies respond to an external factor in exact same manner.  Therefore, the medical field has to be o...
7th Character ICD-10

The Seventh Character’s Relevance – A, D & S in ICD-10

Start listing the major differences in the codes of ICD-9 and ICD-10 and this will probably the first on your list – the addition of seventh character extender.  This seventh ...
outsourcing medical billing
Revenue Cycle Management

Benefits: Outsourcing Billing & Coding

The healthcare industry is bracing itself for probable disruptions that the latest version of International Classification of Diseases will bring with its new set of codes for...
ICD-10 Hacks
ICD-10 Revenue Cycle Management

Last Minute ICD-10 Hacks for the Unprepared

With the implementation deadline of ICD-10 less than a week away, many healthcare groups and physicians are nervous about this inevitable transition. After all, for providers ...
ICD 10 Switch
ICD-10 Medical Billing Revenue Cycle Management

ICD-10: Prepare For the Big Switch

MedConverge helps physician practices become ICD-10 ready. A lot of discussion has gone into how ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision) will impact p...
ICD-10 Ready

Ready for ICD-10?

Is your practice ready to transition to ICD-10? Whether you are a large practice or a single physician practice, you and your staff need to prepare now to face ICD-10 hea...