revenue cycle management
Medical Billing Patient Payments Revenue Cycle Management

Technology to the Rescue of Your Revenue Cycle

The Healthcare Industry has always been on top of the game when it comes to technological advancements and usage.  Computers, ECG machines, even artificial intelligence h...
Pt Pymts
Medical Billing Patient Payments

5 Ways to Improve Patient Payments

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) reported $212 million in bad debts for the fiscal year 2014. The numbers are not deniable – the reason for bad debt is higher de...
ICD 10 Switch
ICD-10 Medical Billing Revenue Cycle Management

ICD-10: Prepare For the Big Switch

MedConverge helps physician practices become ICD-10 ready. A lot of discussion has gone into how ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision) will impact p...
Track your Revenue
Medical Billing Revenue Cycle Management

3 Simple Ways to Track Your Practice’s Revenue

Yes, truly!  You can be assured of your practice’s financial health by asking yourself these Three Questions periodically: 1. Is my front office efficient? Because f...